Spring Cleaning: The Ultimate Guide to Creating More Sustainable Closet

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to give your closet a much-needed refresh.

It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start, thats why we gathered a few tips to help you get started: 

  1. Sort your clothes into Three Piles: “Keep”; “Donate/Sell”; and “Throw Away” 

Start by going through your closet and sorting your items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and throw away. The keep pile should be items you actually wear and that still fit. For the other two use the Six Months Rule. If you haven’t worn an item in the past six months, it’s probably time to let it go. The donate/sell pile should be items you no longer wear but are still in good condition. The throwaway pile should be items that are too worn or damaged to be donated. But before throwing them check if they can be repurposed or recreated. Don’t be afraid to unleash your creativity. Spring is the perfect time for that. 

  1. Make Your Closet More Sustainable

Making your closet more sustainable this spring is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and save money. Try investing in quality, timeless pieces that will last for years. Also, focus on shopping secondhand as much as possible to reduce clothing waste. 

  1. Accessorize Outfits to Make Them Appear Different 

If you want to be able to repeat outfits but still make them appear different, try accessorizing. A simple way to do this is to wear colorful tights, add a scarf or layer different pieces. You can also try statement jewelry or shoes to make your outfit stand out. red pantyhose/ tights, yellow pantyhose/ tights

Spring cleaning can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these tips, you can clear out your closet and make it more sustainable. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh, organized closet in no time.

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