What to do during Earth Hour? 3 Simple ways to celebrate our Planet Earth today

Earth Hour is a global initiative to raise awareness about the impact of climate change and the importance of sustainability. Every year, millions of people around the world turn off the lights and non-essential devices for one hour, to show their commitment to protecting the planet. 

Earth Hour is much more than just turning off the lights for one hour. It’s a time to reflect on how we can all make a difference in protecting our planet. Here are three simple ways to celebrate Earth Hour: 

  1. Turn Off Your Phone and Non-Essential Lights for One Hour: This is the most obvious way to celebrate Earth Hour. But it’s also a great opportunity to disconnect from electronics and enjoy some alone time. You can read a book, take a walk, meditate, or simply sit outside and take in the stars and the night sky. 
  2. Host a Veg-Only Meal for Friends or Family: Meat production and consumption is putting a strain on our planet. So why not take this opportunity to host a veg-only meal for your friends and family? You could even make it a candlelight dinner and make it extra special.
  3. Have a quiz night with your loved ones and raise awareness about the current climate situation. Educating yourself and those around you is an important step towards cleaner and better future for the next generation. 

Whatever you choose to do make sure you enjoy it and try to make a habit or a small ritual out of it. Changing your diet, shopping locally or from small sustainable businesses like Four Twenty Two, saving energy and ditching single use plastic are just few examples how you can decries your footprint. We can also make a difference by constantly educating ourselves about sustainability and inspiring others to do the same. 

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